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Senior: Ian {Class of '25}

Megan Sarver

I'm not even sure where to let my thoughts run with this one . . . so excited to see him head through his final year of high school . . . sadness that this is where we are already with our 2nd kid . . . momma pride at knowing that this one's mine and I couldn't love him more . . . wondering how time went by soooo fast?

I'm trying to soak it all in, and be as thrilled as he is that this stage of schooling is winding down. But I also know that that means changes are coming. Big changes. Life changes. Jumping-out-of-the-nest-and-flying changes. But I also know the God we serve. And I have no doubt that He is writing a way-better story for Ian than this momma ever could. So we will take one part of his Senior year at a time. And just like we made it through the 1st kiddos' final year, we'll make it through this one as well. Cheering him on and praying him through, and celebrating as God shows him the next steps along the way.

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