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Gavin is {sixteen}

Megan Sarver

This amazing kid of ours is officially 16 today, and I'm trying not to just sit around and wonder at where the time has gone. I've been sifting back through an old hard drive of photos/videos this morning, laughing at all of the memories and goofy things he and his brothers used to do. I mean, there are times where as a mom of all boys, I'm just grateful that we have kept them alive and have had minimal ER trips along the way. They have been the best kiddos I could've ever asked for, though, and when people hear we had all boys (& give that look that we as mommas of boys are used to), I actually smile and let them know in a hurry that I LOVE being a boy mom.

And as we move through high school years with our baby cruising right along, I'm just amazed at how God has wired each one differently, and how their paths will most likely all go in very different directions. Gavin has always been a mini-Cole both in looks and in personality. Especially with them both growing up and having the same sense of style & almost identical haircuts, people exclaim often that they thought he was Cole or vice-versa.

16 years ago, we were in the middle of a snowstorm when he decided to make his entrance into the world. Thankfully my water broke so we were able to make our way (slowly) to the hospital before labor kicked in too much. 6 hours after we arrived at the hospital he was here, and we have all be loving on him (& sometimes picking on him) ever since.

Fast forward a few years, and this kid still has a chill personality, loves Jesus, and has some of the best friends from youth group and school that a parent could ever ask for. He & Ian went from mixing about as good as oil and water (there were many a day when they were younger that I wondered if they would EVER get along) . . . now they love nothing better than to pack up their fishing poles and go hang out a pond or lake for awhile.

All 3 of our boys enjoy hanging out as teens/young adults and this momma's heart couldn't be more happy. They'll have sleepovers at Cole & Summer's house or over Christmas break, they went on a little day trip to Columbus to go to Top Golf, Cabela's and do some shopping. I know that this season of all 3 of them being home/close to home is going to change over the next few months/years with Ian graduating, but I'm just soaking up the close friendships that they have and the fact that they actually enjoy being together.

So, happy 16th birthday to the youngest of the Sarver crew . . . Dad & I could not be more proud of the amazing young man that you are. The heart that you have for Jesus and those around you. And while you love reminding me often of the amount of time you have left in high school, I'm going to keep shushing you and soaking in every minute of it. I hope this coming year is one of growth and seeing God work in so many ways in and around you.

Love you, G!

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