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Gavin is Fourteen

Megan Sarver

I know I say this at every birthday, but it just seems nearly impossible that it's already been 14 years since this kid entered our lives, and became the 3rd and final little Sarver boy in our family. I still remember the huge snowstorm that hit us the day before he was born . . . we were stuck at home, and thankfully, labor started pretty slow, allowing us to drive carefully to the hospital before things got too intense. 6 hours later, with an epidural that did NOT work like it was supposed to, and this little 6lb 7 oz baby was in our arms. Our world has been better because of him, and he adds so much laughter and joy to our home.

He's always been a mini Cole, and now that he got the exact same hair cut last week, they could literally be twins if it weren't for Gavin's hair being a little bit lighter brown. He's definitely got his own personality, though, and we love watching him grow into the young man God has created him to be.

He loves playing soccer & basketball, and especially loves the fact that it includes the social aspect of hanging out with his friends. Even though he's had to miss out on the majority of this year's basketball season because of leg injury, he still opts to go to the majority of practices and the games because he still wants to be with his friends.

It's crazy how fast these years come and go, and how quickly these little boys of mine are all becoming taller than mom. Gavin only has an inch or two to go before he sees eye to eye with me, and he's desperately hoping that a growth spurt will let him pass Ian in height at some point (Ian's 99% that is not going to happen, so we will see :)

One of the best things of the last several years has been seeing Gavin & Ian pick up on the same hobby and become almost equally obsessed with it . . . fishing. These two could go fishing year 'round and love nothing more than getting some new lures or a new bait caster fishing pole to add to their collection. And now that Ian has his driver's license, they love taking off and spending an afternoon/evening at a pond or lake together. I still remember the days when they were little and mixed about as good as oil and water. Don't get me wrong, they still know precisely how to push each other's buttons, but there is much more laughter and picking on each other now, than getting mad and not wanting anything to do with the other person (& this momma is grateful).

The dynamics of our family continue to change as they grow, and I'm trying to hold loosely as they each get ready to test their wings more and more. I couldn't be more proud of each of them, but today especially, I'm so proud of the baby of the family. He loves Jesus, has a tender heart for others, and I can't wait to see how God is going to direct every one of his steps in the days ahead. Happy Birthday G!

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