Newborn: Lucas {8 days}
I had a hard time not just sharing his whole gallery on here . . . he is the cutest little baby, and I don't really have a non-favorite...
Newborn: Lucas {8 days}
Child: Parker {6 mo}
Newborn: Luke {9 days}
Newborn: Renley {14 days}
Child: Hudson {1 yr}
Child: Conley {6 mo}
Newborn: Daxton {8 days}
Newborn: Laura {9 days}
Child: Easton {1 yr}
Newborn: Baylor {13 days}
Carpenter {Ext Family}
Child: Ella {1 yr}
Xander {Child Mini}
Newborn: Audrey {8 days}
Newborn: Baker
Child: Hayes {6 mo}
Newborn: Wyatt {10 days}
Newborn: Macie {6 days}
Troyer {Family Mini}
Child: Ella {1 yr}